Research Awards

Many of our academics lead the way in their field of research. Find out more about some of our recent prize winners.

Winner, FMARC Best Paper in Finance Award 2024
“FMARC 2024’s program featured numerous high-caliber papers, providing attendees the opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas on groundbreaking research in finance and accounting. To acknowledge and celebrate the leading research presented, FMARC 2024 presented four awards, to recognize outstanding scientific work included on the conference’s program. The Conference Best Paper and Best Paper in Finance were decided by a vote among the members of the Scientific Committee, with 36 responses.”
Stefano Rossi – awarded for the paper “Credit Market Driven Acquisitions

Winner, IZA Award for “Innovative Research in the Economics of Climate Change” (IREEC).
“To foster research into the nature and implications of climate change, IZA gives an award for “Innovative Research in the Economics of Climate Change” (IRECC) for the two best topical IZA Discussion Papers of the previous year”
Matthias Rodemeier – awarded for the paper “Willingness to Pay for Carbon Mitigation: Field Evidence from the Market for Carbon Offsets

Winner, Review of Asset Pricing Studies Best Paper Award 2023.

“The RAPS journal awards are presented annually at SFS Cavalcade North America”

Florian Nagler – awarded for the paper “Inventory-Constrained Underwriters and Corporate Bond Offerings

Winner, USC Marshall School of Business Trefftzs Award 2022, awarded by the Western Finance Association, and The Brattle Group Ph. D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research,

Clément Mazet-Sonilhac – awarded for the paper “Information Frictions in Credit Markets”.

Winner, 9th SUERF/Unicredit Foundation Prize.

“Prizes will be awarded to up to two outstanding papers on the topic: Post-COVID non-performing loans: effectiveness and efficiency of government intervention, implications for banks, role of financial regulation and supervision."

Filippo De Marco – awarded for the paper “Public Guarantees for Small Businesses in Italy during Covid-19

Winner, VSFX Best paper Award.

“This award is organized by ZZ Vermögensverwaltung and POK Pühringer Privatstiftung in collaboration with WU Vienna. The paper award committee will select the best paper to be awarded EUR 10’000.”

Mariano Max Croce – awarded for the paper “Concealed Carry

Winner, Hayek Book Prize.

“The Hayek Prize, with its $50,000 award, is among the world’s most generous book prizes. It was conceived and funded by Manhattan Institute trustee Tom Smith to recognize the influence of F.A. Hayek and to encourage other scholars to follow his example.”

Carlo Favero – jointly with Alberto Alesina and Francesco Giavazzi for the book “Austerity: When It Works and When It Doesn't”"

Runner-up, Spaengler-IQAM Award for the Best Investments Paper in Review of Finance

“The IQAM Prize is awarded to the best investments paper published in the Review of Finance within the past year.”

Florian Nagler – awarded for the paper “Yield Spreads and the Corporate Bond Rollover Channel

Runner-up, Michael J. Brennan Award for Best Paper Published in the Review of Financial Studies

“The Award is given annually to the best paper published in The Review of Financial Studies.”

Hannes Wagner – awarded for the paper “The Value of Offshore Secrets: Evidence from the Panama Papers

Winner, Eurofidai Best Paper Award  

“To promote empirical financial research on European financial markets, EUROFIDAI will award each year the best paper with a prize of 2000€.”

Julien Sauvagnat - awarded for the paper “The Globalization Risk Premium

Winner, WRDS Best Conference Paper Award, 12th Annual Corporate Governance Conference

“Wharton Research Data Services generously provides sponsorship for the conference, including offering a $1,000 best paper prize which will be voted on during the conference.”

Hannes Wagner – awarded for the paper “Corporate Governance Through Voice and Exit

Winner, Best Paper Award, FMA Global Conference in Latin America

“Awarded for FMA's international conferences, competitive paper awards are based on a combination of reviewer scores and recommendations of the respective program's track chairs”

Hannes Wagner – awarded for the paper “Insider Entrenchment and Corporate Sustainability Around the World