ResearchBocconi KnowledgeHow Digital Infrastructure Transforms Bank Lending in CrisesThe Asset Pricing ConferenceIsabel Schnabel at Bocconi to Discuss the Fight Against InflationAnna Omarini Joins Advisory Commission on Digital PoundBocconi Knowledge: Top Reads of 2023 Identity PoliticsNicola Gennaioli, Guido TabelliniAccepted at Econometrica Selected PublicationsDiscover our faculty's most recent and relevant publications Bocconi Finance Conference Research AreasWe are committed to developing original and high quality research in finance. BAFFIThe Centre supports the production and dissemination of applied research on money, international markets, banking, finance and regulation... IGIERIGIER is a joint initiative of Bocconi, CEPR, and NBER; the Center offers a dynamic and international... PhD in Economics and FinanceWe collaborate with this multidisciplinary program. Meet the FacultyFind out more about us Research AwardsMany of our academics lead the way in their field of research. Find out more about some of our recent prize winners.