Julien Sauvagnat
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at Bocconi University. My research interests cover a wide range of topics in financial economics. I hold a Master’s Degree from the HEC School of Management and a Ph.D. from the Toulouse School of Economics.
Research interests
My research interests include corporate finance, production networks, and international trade.
Working papers
Review of Economic Studies, Revise and Resubmit
Costs and Benefits of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic
Lending to Optimistic Firms
Corporate Taxation and Carbon Emissions
The Costs of Public Financial Distress: Evidence from the Toxic Loan Crisis
Selected Publications
Electoral competition, voter bias, and women in politics
Journal of the European Economic Association, ForthcomingA mind is a terrible thing to change: confirmatory bias in financial markets
The Review of Financial Studies, 2017Input specificity and the propagation of idiosyncratic shocks in production networks
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2016Prosecution and leniency programs: the role of bluffing in opening investigations
Journal of Industrial Economics, 2015Teaching