Andrea Cesare Resti

I am an Associate Professor at Bocconi University. I have published books on financial risk management with Wiley and Risk Books and articles in major academic journals. In 2008-2010, I started Bocconi’s Centre for Applied Research in Finance (now Baffi Carefin) where I was managing director. I then served as the vice-chair of the European Banking Authority’s Stakeholder Group in London, and since 2016 I act as an advisor on banking supervision to the European Parliament in Brussels. I have worked for European banks, rating agencies, consultancies and supervisors, as well as serving as an expert witness for Italian magistrates investigating major financial scandals.

Associate Professor
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Research interests

My research is focused on the regulation of financial risks, credit risk and credit ratings, bank supervision, mutual funds, and asset management.

Selected Publications

Exposure at Default, LGD and Recovery Risk

Rama Cont (ed.) Encyclopedia of Quantitive Finance, John Wiley &Sons, Chichester
Krink, Thiemo; Paterlini, Sandra; Resti, Andrea

The optimal structure of PD buckets

Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 32, pp. 2255-2266
Altman, Edward I.; Brady, Brooks; Resti, Andrea; Sironi, Andrea

The Link Between Default and Recovery Rates: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Implications

Journal of Business
Altman, Edward; Resti, Andrea ; Sironi, Andrea

Loss Given Default: the next Challenge in Credit Risk Management

Risk Books
Altman, Edward; Brady, Brooks; Resti, Andrea; Sironi, Andrea

The Link Between Default and Recovery Rates: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Implications

Journal of Business
Altman, Edward; Resti, Andrea; Sironi, Andrea

Default Recovery Rates in Credit Risk Modeling: A Review of the Literature and Empirical Evidence

Journal of Finance Literature

Rischio e rendimento nella gestione del risparmio: misura, controllo, attribuzione

Quaderni di documentazione e ricerca collana economica, 2, Assogestioni, Milano-Roma

Il private banking: gestione del risparmio e della clientela. Strategie, strumenti ed esperienze

Edibank-Bancaria Editrice, Roma

Il capitale bancario tra presente e futuro: nuovi strumenti per la gestione del fabbisogno patrimoniale

Gestione del capitale e creazione di valore nelle banche, Edibank, Milano-Roma

Decidere in banca con la matematica e la statistica

seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata, Edibank-Bancaria Editrice, Milano-Roma, p. 202

Banca virtuale e multicanale: strategie, best practices, errori da evitare

Edibank-Bancaria Editrice, Roma, p. 284

Regulation can foster Mergers, can Mergers foster Eficiency? The Italian Case

Journal of Economics and Business, 50 (2), pp. 157-170

Evaluating the cost-efficiency of the Italian Banking System: what can be learned from the joint Application of parametric and non-parametric Techniques

Journal of Banking and Finance, 2, pp. 221-250

At Bocconi, I teach two courses in the M.Sc. in Finance program: Financial Risk Management (mandatory) and Private Banking and Institutional Asset Management (elective), as well as a course on Credit Risk in the Master in Risk Management and Quantitative Finance (MAFINRISK) program.

In the past, I directed and/or taught courses and workshops for large financial institutions, the Italian Bankers’ Association, and the European System of Central Banks.