Stefano Gatti

I hold the Antin Infrastructure Partners Chair of Infrastructure Financing at Bocconi University and I am Professor of Practice in Finance. I directed the full-time MBA program from 2015 to 2017 and the International Teachers’ Program at SDA Bocconi School of Management. Together with my academic activity, I am actively involved in board of directors’ and investment committee tasks at listed and private companies. I have served as a consultant to several financial and non-financial institutions and for the Italian Ministry of the Economy, the Financial Stability Board, The Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the OECD.
My constant commitment to excellent teaching has been rewarded multiple times with the Best Teacher Award for many consecutive academic years.
My background is financial accounting but, through the years, I have moved my interests to banking and financial intermediation. I have worked extensively on investment banking and capital markets and I have advised corporations and financial institutions on my fields of specialization. Furthermore, since the early 1990s, I developed an interest in studying how infrastructure is financed and how financial markets can contribute to the development of infrastructure initiatives. I regularly contribute articles and comments in the domestic and international press.
My fields of interest are span from banking and financial intermediation, to investment banking and corporate finance. Furthermore, most of my research is focused on the intersection between finance and infrastructure investing and financing. I have also dealt with corporate governance issues.
Earnouts: the real value of disagreement in mergers and acquisitions
European Financial Management, Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 981-1024, November, 2021Corporate bankruptcy and directors’ reputation: an empirical analysis of the effects on public debt contracts
Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance, 2021Enforcement quality and the use of earnouts in M&A transactions: international evidence
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 45(3-4): 437-481, 2018Project finance in theory and practice: designing, structuring, and financing private and public projects
Second edition, Academic Press-Elsevier, 2018Addressing adverse selection in public-private partnership (PPP) procurement: an agent-based approach
PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT & POLICY, 2022Does asset encumbrance affect bank risk? Evidence from covered bonds
JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, 2023Do shareholders really matter for firm performance? Evidence from the ownership characteristics of Italian listed companies
INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS, 2023I teach a number of courses in the Master of Science, the full-time MBA, the Master in Corporate Finance, and the Executive Master in Finance programs. My constant commitment to excellent teaching has been rewarded multiple times with the Best Teacher Award for many consecutive academic years.