Alessandro Frova

I was born on July 10th, 1954. I graduated in Economics from Università Bocconi. I did my graduate work at the London School of Economics.
I am a Full Professor of Corporate Finance. Previously I was a Full Professor of Economics and Corporate Management in the faculty of Economics at the Università degli Studi di Pavia. I collaborated with the AGCom, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni, and with the Aspen Institute Italia (with reference to ICT). I am a member of the steering committee of Mercato Concorrenza e Regole (il Mulino), and I collaborate with Research Institutes and Journals in the ICMT - Information Communication and Media technology field. I am also a Co-founder of LaRete-net, a website promoting free discussion on ICMT.
Strategy and finance. Competition and antitrust. Telecommunications and ICT.