Nicola Limodio wins ERC Starting Grant

Nicola Limodio has won an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Nicola’s grant comprises three empirical sub-projects; the first project investigates the frictions in financial regulation in Africa, exploring ethnic banking and the role of central bank independence. The second project studies the impact of multiculturalism and conflict on the internal organization of Ethiopian bank branches and lending markets. Lastly, the third project focuses on market incompleteness and non-performing loans in China, analyzing the introduction of Asset Management Companies and their effects.

The ERC aims to encourage the highest quality research through competitive funding and to support independent cutting-edge research in any field on the basis of scientific quality. Since 2008, when the ERC began awarding funding, its calls have become the benchmark and touchstone for European universities doing research at international level.

Article of Bocconi Knowledge