Maria José Arteaga Garavito, Università Bocconi: International Climate News

Seminars - Brown Bag Series
12:30 - 13:30
Seminar Room 2-E4-SR03 - 2nd floor, Via Roentgen building


We develop novel high-frequency indices that measure climate attention, covering a wide range of both developed and emerging economies. This is achieved by analyzing the text of over 23 million tweets published by leading national newspapers on Twitter during the period from 2014 to 2022. Our findings reveal that a country experiencing more severe climate news shocks tends to see both an inflow of capital and an appreciation of its currency. In addition, brown stocks in highly exposed countries experience large and persistent negative returns after a global climate news shock. These outcomes align with the predictions of a risk-sharing model in which investors price climate news shocks and trade consumption and investment goods in global markets.